PodcastsKey Events
Shlomo's many wives, Allowing Avodah Zarah, the rise of Hadad, the exile of Yerovam, Achiya's prophecy, Shlomo's passing, Rechavam's tax challenge, Rechavam's bad council, Killing of the tax collector, the kingdom splits, civil war averted, Yerovam builds the golden calves, Vision of Ish Elokim, Yerovam's hand withering, the Ish Elokim is tricked to eat with a Navi Sheker and is mauled by a lion, ​Aviya's sickness, Yerovam's wife's incognito trip, Achiya's terrible prediction, death of Aviya, Raid of Shishak to Yehuda in their sins, the copper shields in place of the gold shields, Aviam in Yehuda and his sins, Asa in Yehuda and his reformation, Baasha rebels against Nadav in Israel and massacres Yerovam's family, the war tower near the South, Asa bribing Aram to attack Baasha, the building of Geva in Binyamin,
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Making the Mikdash, building Shlomo's house, Chiram as the architect, Yachin and Boaz, Yam shel Shlomo, Taxes, The Aron is brought to the Mikdash, Shlomo's Tefillah, Shlomo's Bracha, the 7 day festival, H's response to Shlomo's prayer, Shlomo's tributes from around him, Queen of Sheba, Shomo's throne.
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David's old age, Avishag, Adonia's power grab, Nasan and Batshev'as plee, David anoints Shomo, Adonia is acquitted, David's last commands, Shlomo banishes Evyasar, Shlomo kills Yoav, Shlomo sets up the death of Shimi, Shlomo marries the princess of Mitzrayim, Shlomo's cabinet, Shlomo's tax collectors, Shlomo's dream, Shlomo's wisdom, the trial of the baby, Shlomo's deal with Chiram, the cedars of Lebanon, Shlomo's tax of workers.
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Nach YomiHere's the way it works. From Monday to Thursday I will be posting a 5 minute podcast of the chapter of the day. It will be a brief summary with a few points to ponder. I will also be sending out the Sefaria text so you can use it. Archives |
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