Key Events
Chizkiyahu and his good actions, Exile of the North, Sancheriv’s Rule and Siege, Ravshakei’s First Taunt, Don’t Let the People Know and the Second Taunt, The Response of the People, Chizkiyahu consults Yeshayahu, Chizkiyahu’s Tefilah, Yeshayahu’s Prophecy, The Miracle of Destruction, Chizkiyahu’s Sickness, Miraculous Healing, Premonition of Babylon, The Rest of Chizkiyahu’s Achievements, The Evil of Menashe, The Curse Because of Menashe, Amon, Yoshiyahu’s Rule, Renovations and the Lost Torah, Yoshiyahu’s Response, Chulda’s Prophecy, Public Torah Reading, Nationwide Purge of Avodah Zarah, Communal Pesach, The Anger did not Abate, Yoshiyahu’s Death, Yehoachaz, Yehoyakim, The Beginning of Bavel’s Rise, Galus Yehoyachin, Tzidkiyahu, The Fall of Yerushalayim, Burning Yerushalayim, Looting the Mikdash, Killing the Cohanim, Gedaliah ben Achikam, Gedaliah’s Murder, Tzidkiyahu’s Rehabilitation
PodcastsNachQ Quiz (new!)Key Events
Yehoachaz son of Yehu, Yoash son of Yehoachaz, Elisha’s Arrow Prophecy, Elisha’s Death and his Resurrecting Miracle, Yoash’s Push Back, Amatzia in the South, Tension and War, Rebellion and Murder of Amatzia, Yerovam in the North and his salvation, Azaria son of Amatzia from the South, Zechariah son of Yerovam from the North, Shalum ben Yavesh, Menachem ben Gadi, Pekachayu ben Menachem, Pekach ben Remalyahu, Yotam from the South, Achaz ben Yotam, Playing with the Enemy, The Alter of Damascus, Hoshea ben Eilah and the Exile of Assyria, The Causes for Galus, The Newcomers and the Lions,
CommentsPodcastsKey Events
Exile of the Isha Shunamis, Reclaim of her land, Appointing of Chazael in place of Ben Hadad, Yehoram son of Yehoshafat, Achazyahu's rule in the South, Battle against Chazael and injuring of Yehoram of the North, Elisha sends to anoint Yehu, Yehu's killing of Yehoram and Achazyahu, Killing the children of Yehoram and the brothers of Achazyahu, Izevel's end, the 70 sons of Achav, Yehu and the prophets of Baal, Yehu's wane, Atalyahu's massacre of her own children, Yoash's escape, Yehoyada's saving of Yoash and rebellion against Atalyahu, Yoash's plan to replenish the Mikdash fund and proposition two, Chazael's attack and Yoash's bribe, Yoash's murder.
CommentsPodcastsKey Events
Achazyahu's sickness, Eliyahu's curse, Eliyahu incinerates the officers who come to take him, Eliyahu's ascent to heaven, Elisha's request of twice of Eliyahu, Elisha's healing the bitter water, Elisha setting the bears on the scoffers, Moav's rebellion, the alliance of Yehoshafat, Yehoram and the king of Edom, the miracle of the water, Moav's loss, sacrifice of the son on the ramparts, Elisha, the poor woman and the oil, the Isha Hashunamis, the death of her son and his resuscitation, the mysterious pot of poison berries, the unending loaves of the visitor, Naaman's leprosy and Elisha's healing, Geichazi's money grab and his punishment, the floating ax, foiled ambush, attempted kidnapping of Elisha and the fiery host, blinded Armenians and their peaceful release, Siege, famine and blame, the 4 lepers, salvation, the trampling of the messenger
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Nach YomiHere's the way it works. From Monday to Thursday I will be posting a 5 minute podcast of the chapter of the day. It will be a brief summary with a few points to ponder. I will also be sending out the Sefaria text so you can use it. Archives |
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